What are distracted driving statistics? Quick Answer
- Daydreaming causes 63% of distracted driving fatal crashes, while cell phone use accounts for 12%. Larger states like Texas and Florida lead in fatal distracted driving accidents.
Which Is the Biggest Distraction for Drivers Involved in Collisions?
In 2022, the top cause of distracted driving crashes was daydreaming, making up 63% of fatal crashes, or 1,959 cases. Cell phone use while driving was another major cause, responsible for 12% of fatal crashes, or 375 cases. Actions like texting, dialing, or talking on the phone take drivers’ attention away and lead to accidents. Other causes, like looking outside, talking to passengers, or adjusting car controls, also contribute to crashes but less often.
Cell Phone Use While Driving: A Persistent Problem
The use of cell phones while driving continues to be a significant safety concern. From 2011 to 2022, fatal crashes involving cell phone use remained relatively steady, ranging from 354 to 453 cases annually. Although these numbers are lower than fatalities caused by other distractions, the risk posed by cell phones is severe because it involves all three types of driver distraction:
- Visual distraction – Taking your eyes off the road.
- Manual distraction – Removing your hands from the wheel.
- Cognitive distraction – Diverting your focus from driving.
Avoiding cell phone use while driving is one of the simplest ways to reduce accidents and save lives.
Fatal Accidents Caused by Cell Phones vs. Other Distractions (2011–2022)
www.consumershield.comNational Trends in Distracted Driving Accidents
Between 2011 and 2022, the total number of fatal distracted driving accidents in the United States fluctuated, peaking in 2015 and 2021. These years recorded the highest numbers of crashes caused by various distractions, emphasizing their role in roadway fatalities. While some years showed slight declines, the data highlights a persistent issue, with distracted driving remaining a major contributor to traffic deaths. These trends underscore the ongoing importance of awareness and prevention efforts to address distracted driving nationwide.
Fatal Distracted Driving Crash Statistics Across States
This data highlights the number of fatal crashes involving distracted drivers across various U.S. states in 2022. States like Texas (440 crashes), New Jersey (170 crashes), and Florida (247 crashes) reported the highest numbers of distracted driving-related incidents. Smaller states such as Vermont (3 crashes) and Wyoming (10 crashes) recorded significantly lower totals. Across all states, the figures illustrate the disproportionate impact of distracted driving, with more populous states experiencing higher incident numbers. The data underscores the ongoing challenge of distracted driving in ensuring road safety nationwide.
Fatal Accidents Caused by Distracted Drivers by State
State | Accidents | State | Accidents |
Alabama | 45 | Montana | 18 |
Alaska | 2 | Nebraska | 11 |
Arizona | 62 | Nevada | 11 |
Arkansas | 27 | New Hampshire | 6 |
California | 139 | New Jersey | 170 |
Colorado | 64 | New Mexico | 167 |
Connecticut | 8 | New York | 114 |
Delaware | 8 | North Carolina | 46 |
District of Columbia | 2 | North Dakota | 5 |
Florida | 247 | Ohio | 52 |
Georgia | 71 | Oklahoma | 48 |
Hawaii | 23 | Oregon | 36 |
Idaho | 30 | Pennsylvania | 61 |
Illinois | 76 | Rhode Island | 0 |
Indiana | 78 | South Carolina | 32 |
Iowa | 13 | South Dakota | 7 |
Kansas | 88 | Tennessee | 62 |
Kentucky | 121 | Texas | 440 |
Louisiana | 144 | Utah | 16 |
Maine | 11 | Vermont | 3 |
Maryland | 37 | Virginia | 91 |
Massachusetts | 38 | Washington | 93 |
Michigan | 55 | West Virginia | 11 |
Minnesota | 18 | Wisconsin | 38 |
Mississippi | 12 | Wyoming | 10 |
Missouri | 80 |
How to Prevent Distracted Driving
Reducing distracted driving starts with awareness and behavior changes. Here are some tips:
- Put your phone away: Avoid cell phone use while driving, even hands-free devices, as they can still be distracting.
- Focus on the road: Minimize internal distractions like eating, adjusting controls, or talking to passengers.
- Plan ahead: Set your navigation and playlist before starting your trip.
- Stay alert: Avoid driving when tired or stressed to reduce daydreaming and loss of focus.
Distracted driving statistics show that it remains a critical safety issue on U.S. roads. The biggest distraction for drivers involved in collisions is daydreaming, followed by cell phone use while driving. States like Alaska report fewer accidents, while larger states like California and Texas see significantly higher numbers.
By understanding these trends and taking proactive steps, drivers can make the roads safer for everyone. Whether you’re wondering “which is the biggest distraction for drivers involved in collisions?”, the data makes one thing clear: staying focused and avoiding distractions can save lives.