Average Miles Driven Per Year: Trends (2025)

Learn about the average miles driven per year in the U.S., how driving habits have changed, and what the average mileage per year means for you and your car.

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Average Miles Driven Per Person in the U.S. (1980-2022)


Average miles driven per year per person? Quick Answer

  • As of 2022, the average number of miles driven per year per person in the U.S. is approximately 13,600. Driving habits dropped during the pandemic but are slowly rising.

How Many Miles Does the Average Person Drive a Year?

The average miles driven per year by a person in the United States has changed over time, but it typically ranges between 13,000 and 15,000 miles. From 1980 to 2007, the average miles steadily increased, reaching a peak of 14,900 miles per year in 2004 and 2005. After 2007, the number started to dip slightly, with drivers averaging between 14,000 and 14,300 miles per year until 2020, when the COVID-19 pandemic led to a sharp drop, bringing the average down to 12,700 miles. By 2021 and 2022, driving increased again, but it still remained slightly lower than pre-pandemic levels, with the average miles driven per year at 13,500 miles in 2021 and 13,600 miles in 2022. This data shows that, while driving habits shift over time, most Americans still spend a lot of time on the road each year.

Total Mileage Per Year in U.S.

The total mileage per year in the U.S. has steadily increased over the past few decades as more people drive and travel farther. In 1980, drivers covered 1.53 trillion miles, and that number grew every year, reaching over 3 trillion miles by 2006. From 2008 to 2013, mileage stayed relatively steady, ranging between 2.98 and 2.99 trillion miles. By 2019, it peaked at 3.26 trillion miles before dropping to 2.9 trillion miles in 2020 during the COVID-19 pandemic, as fewer people were on the roads. Since then, driving has picked back up, with total miles driven reaching 3.20 trillion in 2022, showing that Americans continue to rely heavily on their vehicles.

Total Miles of Travel in the U.S. (1980-2022)


Why Does This Matter?

Knowing how many miles does the average person drive a year is helpful for a few reasons. If you drive much more than average, your car may wear out faster, and your insurance rates could be higher. If you drive far less, you might qualify for low-mileage discounts with some insurance companies.

If you are buying a used car, you can compare its mileage to the average miles driven per year. For example, if a car is 5 years old, you would expect it to have around 65,000 to 70,000 miles based on recent averages. If it has far more or far less, it might be a red flag, or it could be a great low-mileage find.

Final Thoughts

The average mileage per year gives you a helpful baseline for making smart decisions about your car and your driving habits. While most drivers in the U.S. cover around 13,000 to 15,000 miles per year, your personal situation might be different. Knowing where you stand can help you stay on top of your vehicle’s health and save money along the way.

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