
ConsumerShield Legal Dictionary

Browse Dictionary: Letter "C"

Commute a Sentence /kəˈmjuːt ə ˈsen.təns/

Commuting a sentence means reducing a criminal punishment.

Conviction /kənˈvɪk.ʃən/

A conviction is a formal finding of guilt in a criminal case.

Coming to the Nuisance /ˈkʌm.ɪŋ tə ðə ˈnuː.səns/

Coming to the nuisance is a defense in nuisance claims.

Contingent Fee /kənˈtɪn.dʒənt fiː/

A contingent fee is payment based on case success.

Consecutive Sentence /kənˈsɛk.jə.tɪv ˈsɛn.təns/

A consecutive sentence stacks multiple prison terms one after another.

Custodial Parent /ˈkʌs.tə.di.əl ˈpɛr.ənt/

A custodial parent primarily cares for the child.

Concurrent Sentence /kənˈkɝː.ənt ˈsɛn.təns/

Concurrent sentence occurs when a convicted person serves multiple sentences simultaneously.

Criminal Justice /ˈkrɪm.ə.nəl ˈdʒʌs.tɪs/

Criminal justice manages crime prevention and punishment.

Cannibalism /ˈkænəˌbəˌlɪzəm/

Cannibalism involves consuming human flesh, subject to severe legal consequences.

Credit Card Fraud /ˈkrɛ.dɪt kɑrd frɔd/

Credit card fraud involves unauthorized use of card information. It can lead to significant financial loss and legal consequences.

Capital Punishment /ˌkæp.ɪ.t̬əl ˈpʌn.ɪʃ.mənt/

Capital punishment is the state-sanctioned execution of an individual convicted of first-degree murder.

Circumstantial Evidence /sɝː.kəmˌstæn.ʃəl ˈev.ə.dəns/

Circumstantial evidence supports inferences about a case.

Contract /ˈkɑːn.trækt/

A contract is a legally binding agreement between parties.

Criminal Attorney /ˈkrɪm.ə.nəl əˈtɝː.ni/

A criminal attorney defends individuals accused of crimes.

Compensatory Damages /kəmˈpen.səˌtɔːr.i ˈdæm·ɪ·dʒɪz/

Compensatory damages reimburse victims for their losses.

Civil Liability /ˈsɪv.əl ˌlaɪ.əˈbɪl.ə.t̬i/

Civil liability is legal responsibility for harm caused to others.

Comparative Negligence /kəmˈper.ə.t̬ɪv ˈneɡ.lə.dʒəns/

Comparative negligence allocates fault among all parties involved in an incident.

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