Motorcycle Accident Lawyers in Dallas (2025)

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Sarah Edwards


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Reviewed By Adam Ramirez, J.D.


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  • Texas has a lot of motorcycles and a lot of motorcycle accidents
  • Drivers who negligently hit motorcycles are liable for resulting injuries
  • A motorcycle accident lawyer in Dallas helps riders get injury compensation

Texas has the fifth-highest number of registered motorcycles among all of the states. It also has weather that allows riders to use their motorcycles nearly year-round. However, the state’s motorcycle-friendliness only goes so far.

In 2022, Texas had the third-highest number of motorcycle deaths in the nation. That year, 564 motorcycle operators and passengers suffered fatal injuries in motorcycle accidents.

Fortunately, Texas injury law gives injured riders the right to pursue claims against at-fault drivers who crash into them. A motorcycle accident lawyer in Dallas can file insurance claims and lawsuits against those responsible for their motorcycle accident injuries to recover compensation for their losses.

ConsumerShield is experienced in helping people injured in motorcycle accidents. We educate you about your legal rights and help you find legal services. Contact us for a free case evaluation and an attorney referral.

Learn what motorcycle accident lawyers do and how to pick the right one for your accident claim.

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How Much Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer Cost in Dallas, TX?

Texas motorcycle accident lawyers typically charge a fee that is contingent on the outcome of your case. If you win or settle your case, the lawyer charges a fee based on a percentage of the compensation recovered. If you lose your case, you pay nothing.

Many state bar associations survey their members to identify typical fees. The State Bar of Texas does not. However, the Texas Legal Services Center, a legal aid organization in the state, estimates that the typical contingency fee is one-third (33.3%) before litigation and 40% after litigation.

In other words, if your case settles during the insurance claim, you will pay one-third of the compensation to your lawyer. If the insurer denies the claim and forces your lawyer to file a lawsuit, the lawyer’s fee may go up to 40% because of the additional work involved.

How to Hire a Dallas, TX, Motorcycle Accident Attorney

Hiring a lawyer usually takes a few steps. Gather names of lawyers who practice personal injury law. Referrals from former clients, current clients, and lawyer referral services like ConsumerShield are valuable because these sources have first-hand knowledge about the lawyer.

Research the names on your list by reviewing their websites. Make sure they practice motorcycle accident law. Some personal injury lawyers focus on a particular area, such as medical malpractice, and might not take your motorcycle accident case.

Schedule some free consultations to interview the lawyers remaining on your list. Explain your crash and get feedback from the lawyer about your case. Additionally, ask questions about the lawyer’s fees and experience handling motorcycle accident cases.

Pick a lawyer who has the experience, knowledge, and communication skills to handle your case.

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Average Motorcycle Accident Settlement in Dallas, TX

The average motorcycle accident settlement in Texas depends on the injuries you suffered. More severe injuries will result in larger settlements and jury awards. For example, crashes that result in limb loss or other permanent disabilities will result in larger settlements than those that only cause fractures and road rash.

One way to estimate your settlement is with the mandatory minimum auto insurance policy limits in Texas. The state requires drivers to carry at least $30,000 in bodily injury coverage per victim up to $60,000 per accident.

In cases where you have up to $30,000 in losses, the insurer may settle the claim once your lawyer proves liability. For cases involving higher losses, your lawyer may need to file a lawsuit against the driver to recover full compensation.

Filing a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit in Texas

A motorcycle accident lawsuit begins with a complaint. This filing describes your claim and the relief you requested. It will typically explain why you think the other party is liable for your injuries. This means your lawyer must analyze the driver’s negligence.

Negligence law allows injured people to seek compensation for unintentional injuries. Rather than proving the other party intended to harm you, the complaint only needs to allege that they knew or should have known that their unreasonably dangerous actions could injure or kill.

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How Does a Motorcycle Accident Lawsuit Work in Dallas?

Litigation is the process of gathering evidence and proving the other driver’s negligence. Motorcycle accidents often result from the other driver’s lack of reasonable care. Some common accident scenarios in which the other driver was probably negligent include:

  • Turning left across your path
  • Changing lanes without checking their blind spots
  • Failing to see you due to distractions or inattention

The evidence your lawyer may use to prove the other driver’s negligence can take many forms, such as eyewitness testimony, photos of the crash scene, and accident reconstruction testimony from an expert witness.

Both lawyers present their evidence at trial. Since you have the burden of proof, your lawyer will go first. After your case, the other driver’s lawyer will present evidence. They may try to shift blame to you by claiming you contributed to the cause of the accident. Under Texas’s comparative negligence statute, your percentage of the blame is deducted from the compensation you can recover.

If you request a jury trial, a panel of ordinary people will decide your case. You win if they believe your evidence proves the other driver’s negligence.

Types of Motorcycle Accident Cases in Dallas, TX

You can categorize motorcycle accident cases in many ways. One of the most significant factors in your case is whether you were wearing a helmet. If you wore a helmet, your risk of head and brain injuries would be lower.

Conversely, if you were riding helmetless, you were more likely to suffer these serious injuries. The other driver may try to blame you for them under a contributory negligence theory.

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Contact ConsumerShield for Assistance Finding a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Dallas

Your losses from a motorcycle accident may be significant. ConsumerShield can help you find a motorcycle accident attorney in your area, whether you're in Dallas, Houston, or beyond, to represent you against the at-fault driver. Contact us for a free case evaluation and a lawyer referral.

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Motorcycle Accident Knowledge Base

Read the latest information on Motorcycle Accident and find answers to your questions. Currently there are 25 topics about Motorcycle Accident Claims.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • You can represent yourself in a motorcycle accident case. However, the stakes in these cases are often high because of the serious injuries that result from collisions between automobiles and motorcycles. If you have permanent disabilities or large medical bills, consider consulting an attorney to learn how they can help.

  • You can pursue compensation for economic and non-economic losses from your crash. All of your financial expenses, such as lost income and past and future medical bills, qualify as economic losses. Pain and suffering qualify as non-economic losses.

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