Can You Sue Someone For Giving You An STD? (Apr 2025)

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Sarah Edwards


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Reviewed By Adam Ramirez, J.D.


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Can you sue someone for giving you an std? Quick Answer

  • You can sue someone for giving you an STD if they knew they were infected and failed to disclose it. Compensation may cover medical costs, lost wages, and emotional distress.


  • If someone gives you an STD, you might be able to file a lawsuit
  • Recovering damages is possible, but STD cases can be hard to prove
  • If you want to file a lawsuit, a personal injury lawyer may be able to help

Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) can be inconvenient at best and fatal at worst. Thanks to improved medical management options and increased awareness, there are far fewer AIDS deaths per year in the United States than there once were. And because of advancements in medicine, many (though not all) less serious STDs can be cured.

However, that doesn’t mean a person has the right to infect someone else with an STD — and people who negligently or intentionally infect others should be held accountable. So can you sue someone for giving you an STD? Is it worth filing a lawsuit? Here’s what you need to know.

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Can I Sue Someone for Giving Me an STD?

You can. Most of the time, cases surrounding STD transmission are based on negligence theory. That means the person who infected you knew they had an STD, had a duty to inform you that they had one, and failed in that duty.

However, if more than negligence is involved — meaning the other person used force, deception, or similar means to expose you to the STD — the action might be considered an intentional tort.

Unlike negligent people, those who commit intentional torts mean to cause harm. If your case falls into this category, your lawyer may encourage you to pursue criminal charges as well.

Does the Type of STD Matter?

Just as some states have criminalized HIV exposure and others have not, state laws vary when it comes to which STDs are actionable in court. Usually, STDs that are considered to be more serious or pose a long-term threat to health are more likely to be actionable. These are some of them:

  • HIV/AIDS: Can lead to death
  • Hepatitis B: Can cause liver cancer and cirrhosis
  • Herpes: Can cause various complications and is permanent
  • Syphilis: Can cause organ damage, blindness, deafness, and death

If you have contracted another STD, that doesn’t automatically mean you won’t be able to pursue legal action. An attorney can help you understand your state’s laws and whether your situation may be a good candidate for a lawsuit.

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How Much Can You Sue Someone for Giving You an STD?

If you choose to file a lawsuit claiming that someone gave you an STD because they were negligent or were trying to cause harm, you might be able to recover damages, or compensation for losses. The total amount you can recover depends on the impact the STD has on your health and life.

Recovering damages in cases involving STDs can be difficult, and an attorney can assess your case and tell you whether you have a realistic chance of recovering any kind of compensation. When a court awards compensation in an STD lawsuit, it is often for losses like these:

  • Medical costs associated with diagnosing and treating the STD
  • The cost of counseling (especially if the STD is incurable or life-threatening)
  • Lost wages (if treatment caused you to miss work)

If the plaintiff gave you an STD that requires ongoing medical management, you might be able to recover compensation for future medical bills. For example, if a former sexual partner gave you HIV without your knowledge, the court could order the defendant to pay for antiretroviral therapy medication to suppress the virus within your body.

Can You Sue Someone for Giving You an STD if They Didn't Know?

Not everyone is proactive about their sexual health, so it’s possible for someone to give you an STD when they don’t even know they’re infected themselves. Can you sue for STD transmission if the person who infected you didn’t know they had an STD?

In most cases, a plaintiff (you) must prove the defendant (the person who infected you) was aware they had an STD when they transmitted it to you.

However, legal actions involving STD transmissions and other injuries are often more complex than they appear on the surface. Before deciding whether you can sue someone or not, you should seek the advice of a lawyer.

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Is It Worth Filing a Lawsuit?

You know that the answer to “Can you sue someone for giving you an STD?” is yes. But does that mean you should?

Before you make a decision either way, it’s important to understand that these cases can be challenging to prove in court. You usually will need to prove that the defendant knew they had an STD and that they did not disclose it to you.

Another factor to consider is whether a lawsuit will yield any meaningful results. Often, settlements in personal injury cases come from the at-fault party’s insurance company — not the person themself.

If the person who infected you has few or no assets, there’s a strong possibility that you won’t recover any compensation even if you win your case.

STD transmission cases are also very personal in nature. Even if you can prove the other party’s responsibility, you may have to reveal very intimate details in court. Some people are understandably uncomfortable doing this.

Ultimately, you’re the only one who can decide whether it’s worth it to sue someone who gave you an STD. If you aren’t sure how to sue someone who has given you an STD or you haven’t decided if you should, an experienced attorney can offer valuable advice and guidance.

Has Someone Given You an STD?

For some people, STDs are more than just temporary. If someone has given you a permanent STD or one that has serious long-term consequences, you deserve help dealing with medical costs and other potential fallout. A personal injury attorney might be able to help.

At ConsumerShield, we make it our mission to connect people like you with qualified, experienced lawyers in your area. The right lawyer can offer you valuable guidance when it comes to the next steps to take. Get in touch today for a free case review!

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes, you can. However, these cases are sometimes challenging to prove in court.

  • You can. However, if the disease was cured with an antibiotic and you suffered no long-term harm, pursuing a lawsuit may not be worthwhile.

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