Shopping For Car Insurance For Seniors (November 2024)

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Sarah Edwards


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Reviewed By Adam Ramirez, J.D.


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  • Insurance rates often start rising at age 60 for seniors
  • Most car insurers have no specific discounts for seniors
  • Seniors can complete a state-approved safety course to get a discount

In your golden years, discounts for seniors seem to be everywhere. But that doesn’t necessarily hold true when it comes to car insurance for seniors. After potentially paying some of the lowest rates in your 40s and 50s, senior car insurance rates tend to start climbing at age 60.

Even if you’re paying less than a 40-year-old driver with the same coverage in your early 60s, you may be paying more on average by the time you hit 75. Despite the increasing rates you might face, you can find ways to get the best coverage you need at a price that fits your budget with the right approach.

Take a closer look at these key tips on shopping for car insurance for seniors.

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Why Does the Cost of Car Insurance for Seniors Increase?

It seems counterintuitive for car insurance for seniors to increase in cost. But like teenagers, seniors may be at a higher risk of being involved in an accident. The natural aging process can bring on factors that impact driving capabilities. As people age, their eyesight weakens, reflexes slow and hearing diminishes.

Seniors can also be more prone to complications from injuries, and recovery can take longer, potentially driving up the cost of medical care. These factors can make senior drivers a higher risk, and premiums from car insurers reflect that.

The Cost of Car Insurance for Seniors

Many factors determine the price of auto insurance, and age often plays a major role.

The cost of car insurance for the elderly can start climbing at about age 60. For a 60-year-old driver, the average cost of full coverage car insurance is $2,097. You can expect car insurance for seniors over 65 to be even higher, and car insurance for seniors over 70 can be higher still.

Prices start to top out for auto insurance for seniors over 80. While price isn’t the only factor to consider when purchasing car insurance, it can be a big deal for seniors, especially if they are retired.

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Ways to Save on Car Insurance for Seniors

Most insurance companies don’t have specific programs to save seniors money on their car insurance, like the GEICO car insurance for seniors or the Towergate older driver insurance policy. However, seniors can still take several steps to cut their car insurance costs.

Take a Safe Driver Course

In many states, if you complete a state-approved safe driving course designed for mature drivers, you may see a reduction in your car insurance rate.

Maintain a Safe Driving Record

Your driving history always factors into your insurance, and keeping a clean driving history can positively impact seniors’ insurance quotes. You can often qualify for lower rates by maintaining a record free of claims, tickets, moving violations, and DUI charges.

Shop Around

Car insurance rates can vary widely, so it’s a good idea to compare quotes from at least three insurance companies. Consider that you’re not looking only at the cost. You’re also looking for the best car insurance for seniors overall, so you also want to read the fine print on each policy to compare the coverage details.

Pay the Annual Premium in Full

Most people pay a monthly premium for their car insurance. However, car insurance companies typically offer a discount if you pay your annual premium in full at once.

Buy Multiple Policies

Many insurers also offer a discount if you buy several insurance policies from them. For instance, you might be able to save by bundling your auto insurance with a homeowner’s or renter’s policy.

Consider Your Location

If you’re retiring and thinking about relocating, include your car insurance needs in your decision-making. Location often influences the cost of car insurance, and rates vary by state and whether you live and drive in a city, suburb or rural area. You can search “senior driver insurance agency near me” to get an idea of the options in an area you’re considering.

Buy Your Car With Insurance in Mind

Some cars cost more to insure than others. You can help cut your car insurance rate by shopping among the cheapest cars to insure.

Buy Usage-Based Car Insurance

If you’re retired or working from home, you might be driving a lot less than when you were working at another site. You might consider buying a usage-based policy that requires you to pay a flat fee and a certain cost per mile.

Increase Your Deductible

You can lower your premium by increasing the deductibles on your collision and comprehensive insurance policies. However, make sure you can cover the expenses if you have an accident.

Drop Full Coverage on Older Vehicles

To cut your cost on car insurance, you might start by asking: how much car insurance do I need? If you have an older vehicle that you own outright, you may consider dropping full coverage to the minimum required to drive in your state.

Another option for those looking for cheap car insurance for seniors is discounts. For instance, consider staying with one insurance company to receive a loyalty discount, asking if you can get a discount for being a homeowner and checking if your insurer offers an affiliate discount for a group you belong to.

Reviews of Car Insurance for Seniors

Which company offers the cheapest car insurance for seniors over 60 depends on many factors. You can find seniors’ car insurance reviews online to give you a good start on finding car insurance to fit your needs.

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Types of Car Insurance for Seniors to Consider

While many states require property damage liability insurance, there are several types of coverage that are optional car insurance for seniors, including:

  • Liability insurance
  • Collision insurance
  • Comprehensive insurance
  • Uninsured motorist and underinsured motorist insurance
  • Personal injury protection insurance
  • Medical pay
  • Gap insurance
  • Roadside assistance

You can save money by selecting only the car insurance coverage you need.

Talk to ConsumerShield About Car Insurance for Seniors Today

You have many options to explore when it comes to finding the best full coverage car insurance for seniors. ConsumerShield empowers consumers by sharing information. We can answer your questions about car insurance for seniors, whether you buy from us or not. Get in touch with us today.

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Car Insurance Knowledge Base

Read the latest information on Car Insurance and find answers to your questions. Currently there are 18 topics about Car Insurance .

Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you maintain the same coverage, your premiums may climb at age 60. However, if you’re retired and driving less, you can work with your car insurance agent to trim your car insurance rate.

  • Unfortunately, car insurance for seniors often rises at age 60 and continues through age 80, so you can expect your premium to potentially increase at age 70.

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