What Cancers Are Included In The Roundup Lawsuit? (2025)

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Sarah Edwards


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Reviewed By Adam Ramirez, J.D.


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  • Studies link glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Roundup, to some cancers
  • Farmers, landscapers and others who use Roundup have filed lawsuits
  • Causation determines what cancers are included in the Roundup lawsuit

The science on glyphosate, the primary ingredient in Roundup, is mixed. Many studies have found a link between the chemical and increased cancer risk. Others have noted an increased risk but not a statistically significant one.

Despite this disagreement, many Roundup users have filed lawsuits alleging that the herbicide is responsible for their cancer cases. This includes everyone from landscapers and farmers to recreational gardeners.

An injured plaintiff needs a product liability attorney with the experience and resources to fight Bayer, one of the world’s largest chemical and pharmaceutical companies. ConsumerShield helps people understand their legal rights and find lawyers for their cases. Contact us for a referral to an attorney for your Roundup lawsuit.

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What Does Causation Mean in Product Liability Lawsuits?

A key issue in any product liability lawsuit is a causal link between the product and the alleged injury. Causation is a straightforward, logical exercise in most states. You must show that the injury was the natural and logical result of the use or foreseeable misuse of the product.

When an injury results from physical products, like power tools, causation is relatively easy. If the blade guard is broken and the victim is missing a finger, you can infer that the product’s defect led to the amputation.

However, chemical products raise complex questions about causation because scientists cannot see them damage cells. Instead, they must rely on surveys and statistics. With repeated studies, researchers can gather enough evidence to establish a high probability of causation.

Product manufacturers take advantage of this inherent uncertainty in court. They can find their own specialist witnesses to counter every expert the injured plaintiff presents. These experts can muddy the waters enough to deprive the plaintiff of fair compensation for the injuries that likely resulted from the manufacturer’s products.

What Type of Cancer Does Roundup Cause?

Based on this standard, scientific research suggests glyphosate may cause the following types of cancer:

Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma

The strongest evidence for a link between cancer and Roundup involves non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Studies suggest that glyphosate usage increases the risk of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma by up to 41%.

Non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma affects the lymphatic system. A mutation in the immune cells causes them to multiply uncontrollably, leading to tumors in the lymph nodes, bone marrow or elsewhere in the lymphatic system.

Multiple Myeloma

Research has also linked glyphosate to multiple myeloma. Scientists exposed mice to glyphosate. The mice developed a precursor condition called MGUS that precedes “virtually all” cases of multiple myeloma in humans.

Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell cancer. Mutated plasma cells accumulate in the bone marrow. Rather than producing normal antibodies, these mutated cells make proteins that damage the patient’s organs. Moreover, the lack of antibodies suppresses the patient’s ability to fight illness and infection.

Liver Cancer and Leukemia

A researcher looking at children raised on farms found evidence of a link between glyphosate use and childhood liver damage. This damage may lead to metabolic disorders, such as diabetes, and liver cancer later in life. A study using a similar approach found a purported link between glyphosate and childhood leukemia.

Other Cancer Risks

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is operated by the World Health Organization. It has classified glyphosate as a likely carcinogen. The IARC found that kidney cancer and hemangiosarcoma risks increased with exposure to glyphosate.

This classification is an important element of the legal cases against Bayer and Monsanto. The U.S. Environmental Protection Administration (EPA) broke with the IARC and classified glyphosate as non-carcinogenic.

As a result, Roundup’s manufacturer defended itself by arguing that it does not need to include cancer warnings on the product. Roundup plaintiffs have countered that the IARC’s designation gave Monsanto and Bayer notice of the cancer risks posed by its product.

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What Cancers Are Included in the Roundup Lawsuit?

Product liability law imposes strict liability on manufacturers for injuries caused by defective products. This means that a manufacturer’s mindset is irrelevant in determining liability. Instead, the plaintiff’s lawyer only needs to prove the product was defective and that the defective product caused the plaintiff’s injury or medical condition.

Plaintiffs have filed tens of thousands of lawsuits against Bayer, the parent company of Monsanto, asserting that Roundup caused their cancer diagnoses. These cases have focused on non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma but have also used scientific research to include other cancers, such as:

  • Multiple myeloma
  • Liver cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Hemangiosarcoma
  • Leukemia

Plaintiffs have also asserted roundup lawsuit cancer types outside of these accepted categories, including skin cancer and lung cancer, from touching or inhaling Roundup.

When a plaintiff asserts cancer in a Roundup lawsuit, they must overcome three obstacles. First, they must find an expert witness who has scientific evidence linking the plaintiff’s type of cancer to glyphosate. Product liability lawyers often work with scientists and other lawyers who can help them find the right experts for their cases.

Second, Bayer’s attorneys will try to have the expert disqualified from testifying. The plaintiff’s attorney must show that the witness relied on rigorous scientific techniques, rather than mere speculation, to reach their conclusions.

Third, the plaintiff’s lawyer must persuade a jury of the link between the victim’s cancer and Roundup. The evidence will include the expert’s testimony. The lawyer will also show that the plaintiff had lengthy exposure to Roundup and that their cancer developed after that exposure.

Contact ConsumerShield to Learn More About Roundup Cancer Types

Several juries have held Monsanto and Bayer liable for cancer cases. However, since the scientific conclusions are mixed, plaintiffs likely need lawyers with experience handling complex product liability cases and connections with qualified expert witnesses.

ConsumerShield helps injured people understand the law and their legal options. We can assess your situation and connect you with a lawyer for representation. Contact us for a free case review and a lawyer referral.

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Roundup Lawsuit Knowledge Base

Read the latest information on Roundup Lawsuit and find answers to your questions. Currently there are 7 topics about Roundup Lawsuit Lawsuits.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    • The evidence for a link between Roundup and cancer is mixed. However, scientists believe that people exposed to Roundup have an increased risk of certain cancers. Scientific studies suggest that glyphosate is an endocrine disrupter that affects the body’s ability to control cell growth, a key element of cancer.

    • You can pursue compensation for economic and non-economic losses. Economic losses include the costs of cancer treatments and your income losses. Non-economic losses cover the pain and suffering you have experienced due to your cancer and its treatment.

    More About Roundup Lawsuit

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