Best Car Accident Lawyers in Chicago, IL for September 2024

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Reviewed By Adam Ramirez, J.D.


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  • Hiring the right car accident lawyer for your case helps protect your rights and secure fair compensation after a crash.
  • Illinois law sets limits on when you can file a car accident lawsuit and how much compensation you may receive for your injuries.
  • Preparing for a car accident lawsuit begins with undergoing medical treatment and documenting your losses. A lawyer can help guide you through each step and advocate for you along the way.

Chicago is the third largest city in the United States, and has traffic to match. Car accidents are an unfortunate possibility when so many drivers are crossing the city. If you’ve been involved in a crash, finding the best Chicago car accident lawyer should be top of mind. Having a qualified lawyer on your side can help protect your rights and secure fair compensation for your injuries.

In this article, we’ll guide you through what you need to know about Chicago car accident lawsuits and how a lawyer can help.

ConsumerShield is a specialist in connecting consumers with top lawyers. To find the best car accident attorneys in Chicago, simply fill out the form on this page. We’ll connect you with a lawyer near you for a free case evaluation.

How Much Does a Car Accident Lawyer Cost in Chicago, IL?

Most car accident attorneys charge on a contingency fee basis. This means that you pay nothing up front, but agree to pay the lawyer a percentage of what they recover on your behalf. Lawyer fees are paid out of the settlement or judgment funds. Contingency fees in Chicago typically range between 33% and 40%.

Here’s an example of how it works. If a lawyer helps you settle your case for $100,000 and you agreed to a 35% contingency fee, then you would owe $35,000 paid out of the settlement funds. The settlement is paid to the lawyer’s client account and they deduct their fees before sending the remaining settlement to you.

It is important to consider how much a lawyer costs before you hire them, but balance this with the level of expertise the lawyer can bring to your case.

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How to Hire a Chicago Car Accident Attorney

There’s no shortage of lawyers in Chicago. With so many to choose from, it’s important to know how to hire the best car accident lawyer near you. Here is what you should look for when considering Chicago car accident law firms.

  • Case focus. Many lawyers who handle car accident cases also take on other forms of personal injury lawsuits. It is fine to hire someone with broad knowledge, but you want someone with experience handling cases similar to yours. Ask about their experience with cases like yours.
  • Review and referrals. Whether you look at online reviews or request referrals from former clients, it’s a good idea to see what others have said about the lawyer you’re considering. No lawyer can promise the same result, but this will tell you how easy they are to work with and how pleased others have been with their services.
  • Fee percentage. Contingency fees vary by lawyer and often depend on the complexity of your case. The percentage payable to your lawyer should be disclosed and agreed to up front.
  • Trial readiness. If your case can’t be resolved without a trial, you’re going to need an experienced trial lawyer on your side. Ask about how many cases they have personally taken to trial to gauge their experience level.

Average Car Accident Settlement in Chicago, IL

Data from the Illinois Department of Transportation suggests that 2021 car accidents in Illinois cost a total of $6.7 billion. The average cost of a car accident varied by accident type as follows:

  • Property damage only: $4,920
  • Potential to moderate injuries: $25,020 - $30,570
  • Incapacitating injury: $105,570
  • Fatality: $1,832,220

The value of a single case can be difficult to estimate because it is influenced by many factors. These factors include:

  • Severity of your injuries
  • Who was at fault for the accident
  • Insurance policy limits

Fill out the form on this page for a free case evaluation from a car accident lawyer near you.

Filing a Car Accident Lawsuit in Illinois

It may become necessary for you to file a lawsuit if you’re unable to secure a fair settlement after your car accident. This is what you need to know about the Illinois car accident laws that could impact your case.

  • Duty to give aid. Illinois requires drivers to exchange name, address, and vehicle registration information with others involved in an accident. Failing to exchange information could result in a criminal misdemeanor charge.
  • Statute of limitations. You have to file a personal injury lawsuit by the deadline set by Illinois law. This is commonly called the statute of limitations and is two years for Illinois car accident lawsuits.
  • Establishing fault. Did you know more than one person can be at fault for an accident? Illinois follows a modified comparative negligence model. The Illinois Department of Insurance explains that comparative negligence assigns each party a percentage of fault. You can only bring a lawsuit if your percentage of fault is 50% or less.

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How Does a Car Accident Lawsuit Work in Chicago?

The process for car accident lawsuits usually works through several stages.

  • Medical treatment. Your first concern after a car accident should be following the advice of your medical provider to recover from any injuries. The extent of your injuries and treatment requirements will also play a key role in your case. Keep careful record of your payments for medical services.
  • Case evaluation. A car accident lawyer can help you gather evidence and determine a fair value for your claim. Evidence often includes police reports, witness statements, crash photos or videos, and expert reviews.
  • Settlement negotiation. Your lawyer can send a demand letter to the relevant insurance company on your behalf. They will also evaluate any settlement offers and advise you whether an offer is fair.
  • Lawsuit filed. If your case cannot be resolved through settlement, then the next step is to file a lawsuit. Your lawyer can also help with this step by drafting the necessary documents and filing with the correct court.
  • Trial. Cases still settle after a lawsuit is filed, but it may be necessary to see your case through a formal trial before a judge or jury.

Types of Car Accident Cases in Chicago, IL

Car accidents can occur for many reasons, from drunk driving to speeding. The most common car accident types in Chicago are:

  • Rear-end accidents. Occurs when one vehicle runs into the back of another.
  • T-bone impacts. Common at intersections, this occurs when the front of one vehicle runs into the side of another.
  • Head-on collisions. This type of accident involves two vehicles running front to front into each other. These collisions can cause some of the worst car accident injuries.

Sideswipe accidents. Common when changing lanes, this occurs when the side of one vehicle impacts the side of another.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Insurance can make a direct settlement offer to you without involving a lawyer. However, insurance companies sometimes offer low settlements. While it is possible to settle a car accident claim without a lawyer, hiring a lawyer can help ensure that you receive the maximum compensation for your injuries and damages.

  • Yes, Illinois follows a modified comparative negligence rule. As long as you are less than 50% at fault, you can recover damages. Your compensation will be reduced by your percentage of fault.

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