Back Pain After A Car Accident: What To Do (April 2025)
- Symptoms of Back Pain After a Car Accident
- Causes of Back Pain After a Car Accident
- Common Back Injuries From Car Accidents
- What to Do When You Experience Back Pain After a Car Accident
- Common Treatments for Back Pain After a Car Accident
- At-Home Remedies for Back Pain Relief
- What Happens if a Back Injury Goes Untreated?
- Learn More About Crash-Related Back Pain
What should you do if you suffer back pain after a car accident? Quick Answer
- If you experience back pain after a car accident, getting medical care as soon as possible is essential for preventing worsening symptoms.
- Back pain can significantly impact your finances and quality of life
- You could be compensated for medical costs and other losses
- If you have back pain after a car crash, contact a personal injury lawyer
The forces your back endures during an auto accident can damage both the soft tissues and the spine. The symptoms from these injuries can affect your ability to stand, sit, or walk. As a result, you might lose the ability to work or meet your essential needs, like showering, dressing, and cooking. In fact, back pain is the leading cause of lost work days.
People with back pain after a car accident may experience physical limitations, including leg weakness, bad posture, and nerve damage. Back pain can also cause mental and emotional issues. The percentage of people with feelings of nervousness, sadness, and hopelessness almost doubles in those with back pain.
Understanding back pain and the possible treatments can help preserve your physical and mental health.
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Symptoms of Back Pain After a Car Accident
Back injuries accidents cause can present with a number of symptoms. These include:
- Muscle spasms
- Numbness or tingling
- Stiffness
- Burning pain
- Sharp pain
You can also struggle with discomfort while walking or even standing. Additionally, if you have injured your cervical spine, you can feel headaches, disorientation and dizziness. These are common symptoms you may feel if you also experience neck pain after a car accident. When combined, they typically point to whiplash, which is a common car accident injury.
Causes of Back Pain After a Car Accident
Back injuries have two primary causes. A blunt impact on the back can damage the soft tissues or fracture the bones. For example, you could suffer back pain after getting slammed into your seat during a collision.
Hyperextension trauma can also injure the back. These injuries happen when the back stretches, bends, or twists too far or in an unnatural direction. A common cause of hyperextension is whiplash — which is one of the most common back injuries from car accidents.
Whiplash happens when your body whips around during a collision. The weight of your head and shoulders pulls your spine, causing the soft tissues to stretch and the vertebrae to separate slightly. As you come to a stop, your spine compresses the discs. Both hyperextension and compression can damage the back tissues, producing car accident back injuries.
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Common Back Injuries From Car Accidents
Many injuries can produce back pain after a car accident. Examples of back injuries that can happen during a car collision include:
Back Strain
Your back has large muscles that attach through tendons to the spine, skull, shoulder blades, and collarbones. Back strain happens when hyperextension trauma stretches or tears the fibers of your back tendons and muscles. These injuries cause symptoms such as:
- Muscle pain
- Swelling
- Spasms
- Weakness
- Stiffness
Muscle and tendon strains usually heal within a month or so with home care. Your doctor will likely recommend rest, ice packs on the injury, and anti-inflammatory medication such as ibuprofen. If you experience severe pain, your doctor may prescribe pain medication. You may need physical therapy to strengthen your back muscles as you heal.
Sprained Back
Your back includes 17 vertebrae between your shoulders and hips. Ligaments connect these vertebrae to hold them together and guide spinal movement. Hyperextension of these ligaments produces a back sprain. The stretched or torn ligaments can cause symptoms such as:
- Pain in the spine
- Back instability
- Bruises
- Limited range of back motion
A mild sprain might heal within four to six weeks. During your recovery, you may need to rest your back. You may also need physical therapy to build up the back muscles to help support the spine. Although doctors can operate on severe sprains in other parts of the body, they tend to avoid back surgery for sprains because of the risk involved.
Disc Injury
Spine injuries from car accidents can damage your intervertebral discs. Discs sit between the vertebrae and act as shock absorbers. The discs can deform when whiplash compresses them.
This deformation can take two main forms. A herniated disc happens when the outer layer of the disc ruptures and allows the inner layer to protrude. A bulging disc occurs when the outer layer weakens without rupturing. Your weight causes the disc to flatten and bulge.
Disc injuries can cause back pain and instability. The deformed disc can also press on nearby nerve roots. The resulting nerve inflammation can cause the nerve to misfire, producing pain and weakness that radiates into the hips and legs.
Fractured Vertebra
You feel severe back pain after a car accident. When to see a doctor? You should always consider seeing a doctor because back injuries can have catastrophic consequences.
Specifically, a fractured vertebra, also called a broken back, can injure your spinal cord. This injury happens when the bone fragments from a fractured vertebra dislocate into your spinal canal. Once there, these bone fragments can sever or compress the spinal cord.
A severed spinal cord causes permanent paralysis and loss of sensation below the level of the injury. Such an injury below your neck will affect your legs and hips, while an injury above the neck will impact all four limbs, your chest, and your abdomen.
What to Do When You Experience Back Pain After a Car Accident
When you feel upper or lower back pain after a car accident, you should stay put and seek medical care. Moving around after you fracture your back can increase the risk of a spinal cord injury. Immediate help for car accident back injuries is especially important if you feel any paralysis or loss of sensation in your arms or legs.
If you have non-incapacitating injuries, the paramedics at the accident scene will probably release you rather than transport you to the hospital. You should visit the emergency room, a quick care clinic, or a doctor’s office. After your visit, you will have medical records that prove the nature of your injuries as well as when you incurred them and what treatment you need.
Once your doctor provides a treatment plan, you should follow your doctor’s instructions. If your doctor recommends limiting your activities, get a note you can provide to your employer. Similarly, if your doctor prescribes physical therapy, follow through on the referral or seek a second opinion.
Your injuries may cause significant financial losses. You will pay for medical treatment, therapy, and medication. Even if you have health insurance, you will need to pay copays or meet a deductible. Equally importantly, you may lose income due to missed work days.
While every accident is unique, you should consider consulting a ConsumerShield lawyer about pursuing an accident settlement through an insurance claim or lawsuit.
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Common Treatments for Back Pain After a Car Accident
The exact treatment you need will depend on the nature of your injuries. Typically, your doctor will start with more conservative methods of treatment. If your back pain persists, your doctor may recommend surgery. These are some of the most common treatment options:
Rest and Ice
Sometimes, back injuries that are initially very painful can heal on their own. Your doctor might recommend you start by applying ice and resting to give the injury a chance to recover.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy can strengthen the muscles around the injury. Stronger muscles support and stabilize your back and can sometimes reduce pain. If your injury has limited your mobility, physical therapy may help you regain it.
Anti-Inflammatory Medications or Corticosteroid Injections
Anti-inflammatory medications (either prescription or over-the-counter) can reduce swelling and pain. Corticosteroid injections can provide stronger, more localized pain relief for some injuries like ruptured discs.
Some types of injuries may not respond to conservative treatment, or they may only show minimal improvement. If this is true in your case, your doctor might discuss the possibility of surgery.
At-Home Remedies for Back Pain Relief
It’s always essential to receive immediate medical care if you begin experiencing back pain, neck pain, dizziness or a headache after car accident situations. There are things you can do at home, however, to help get some relief from the discomfort.
One of the first steps you can take is to cut back on as much physical activity as you can. Avoid exercising for at least two weeks to give your injuries time to heal. Above all, avoid heavy lifting and twisting motions. Resting your body will help reduce inflammation, especially if you combine the rest with ice and heat therapy.
To sleep, one of the best positions to help your back heal is to curl up sideways and place a pillow between your legs. Alternatively, you can put a pillow under your knees if you prefer to sleep on your back.
Make sure to follow all of the instructions that your doctor gives you to the letter. This is essential not only for your injury but for your future claim, too.
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What Happens if a Back Injury Goes Untreated?
Back injuries can have a profound impact on your daily life. If you leave a back injury untreated, it may cause serious issues like these:
- Permanent nerve damage
- Worsening nerve pain
- Spinal stenosis (a narrowing of the spinal canal that can cause serious nerve issues)
- Long-term pain
- Depression
- Poor sleep
To reduce your risk of long-term damage and reduced quality of life, you should always seek treatment as soon as possible.
Learn More About Crash-Related Back Pain
Back pain can signify serious injuries. Understanding the causes of back pain can help you seek treatment to lessen or relieve your symptoms. However, this treatment can be costly. You might also miss significant time from work due to back pain.
We understand the challenges that back injuries can present. ConsumerShield provides free case evaluations to connect you with resources that will help you meet these challenges. If you need a car accident lawyer, get in touch for a free case review!
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Frequently Asked Questions
Depending on the cause, back pain can last anywhere from a few weeks to many years. For example, a strained back can heal within four weeks with rest. Conversely, a herniated disc has no cure and can cause recurring or chronic back pain for the rest of your life.
Yes, whiplash can affect the lower back. Whiplash happens when your body whips around during a collision. These forces cause your spine to hyperextend and compress. Your neck and upper back will experience the most damage. But hyperextension can also cause lower back pain after a car accident. Settlement amounts for whiplash injuries, including lower back pain, often vary based on factors like severity and medical costs, typically ranging from $7,500 to $50,000.
Generally, you can seek compensation for an injury caused by someone else’s negligent or otherwise wrongful conduct. However, every situation involves unique facts. You should consult a lawyer to learn whether your crash entitles you to pursue an injury claim.
If you file a car accident lawsuit against the at-fault driver, you will need to prove the severity of your injury (and the fact that it was caused by the car accident). Medical records, imaging tests, and testimony from your doctors can all be helpful.